Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I'm writing a blog!

Yesterday was my birthday. I turned 26. I have slipped to the other side of twentysomething-dom. And while I was reflecting on the year that was (smack in the middle of twentysomething-dom) I realized that I haven't done anything creatively or intellectually stimulating in at least a year. For someone with two highfalutin university degrees who’s been told she has the wind at her back and the world as her oyster I’m thinking that that is kind of an incredible thing.  I spent my year working at a fun but inevitably dead-end job and then quitting and visiting my homeland for the first time and coming back to commence the search for that new, real, exciting and awesome job.

Turns out searching for that new, real, exciting and awesome job brings with it new realms disproportionate mood swings such as temporary euphoria (HURRAY I GOT AN INTERVIEW!), desperation (I’ll be your personal assistant and make you coffee all day for 5 bucks an hour! Please hire me!), and depression (I’m not even good enough to get a job making coffee all day for 5 bucks an hour). I shouldn’t complain though. I do have an EXTREMELY part-time receptionist position with a company that has the potential to sweep me off my feet and offer me the job of my dreams. But that hasn’t happened yet nor has it happened at any other company and that is not for a lack of trying. Hey I don’t mind paying my dues but in the meanwhile, until that new, real, exciting and awesome job comes along, it’s time to start using my brain again.

My birthday present to myself is to stop aimlessly going about my life like a job is the only thing that can fulfill my creative and intellectual needs. This week I thought it would be fun to go through some of my old writing and school projects. As I read them it dawned on me that I was a creative and intellectual person before I was even old enough to have a real, exciting and awesome job and thus, I should probably think outside the box a bit and move back to my roots. I’m going to share some of my old essays and poetry from high school, CEGEP (college) and even university to in the hope that it inspires me to start writing again. Also, I hope to talk about some of my more interesting forays into the job market and the joys of partial-unemployment. 

Let the games begin!