Friday, December 24, 2010

Work is boring (Warning this is a rant)

I think I already mentioned that I occasionally work as a receptionist at a huge media company that owns a bunch of radio stations. The downside of being the "backup" is that when it's Christmas Eve they'll call you two days before and ask you to work. I kinda ripped my boss a new one when he asked because he didn't give me any notice. I was asked to do it about a month ago and then was told it was fine if I didn't. And then magically on December 22nd I get a call basically forcing me to work until 6:30. They changed their minds apparently. I mean. 6:30. Get. REAL. It's Christmas Eve! THERE'S NO ONE HERE. Anyway, I'm only working until 2:00 but I've been here for less than two hours and and it fees like it's been five. About six people have come in and I've gotten around three phone calls. I could be making my Christmas dessert right now. I could be decorating Christmas cookies. I could be wrapping gifts! I could be doing things! Can you tell that I'm annoyed? Not only am I working but the other receptionist is working too. So we're like doubly bored. It's epic. On the plus side when a song we like plays on the radio we're singing quite loudly.

One important thing I've noticed in places I've worked:

Bosses almost never know what's going on. They think they do but they don't. And a lot of the time they supervise a job they never did themselves so they REALLY don't know what's going on. Obviously I want a good job where I'm making good money and have a bit of status within the company but never underestimate starting your career as a little person. A receptionist or a desk clerk or an assistant. That's where you figure out the ins and outs of the work place. These are things you would never know if you were just stuck in your bubble in your corner office. I don't know about others but I feel like I can do a better job of things when I have a full understanding of how the place works.

Anyways enough about that. I'm sure my loyal followers have noticed I haven't written in a while. I was sick for a bit but also I've actually been kind of busy! Shocking! Well it's the Christmas season and I've been working a bit and actually going to some interviews! I also find that in order for me to write something on here that I like and that I'm proud of I have to get myself into a kind of mindset that is impossible to do when I'm buzzing around thinking about other stuff.

All this to say I haven't abandoned the blog and that reception work on Christmas Eve is boring stuff.

Happy Holidays hooligans!

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