Sunday, October 9, 2011

Helloo again!

Hey all!

I've been a horrible blogger! And I call myself a person who LOVES to write! But as most of you know I've been busy getting a JOB! And then being SICK! And then recovering from being sick which took [is taking] FOREVER! And then trying to find a NEW JOB! Times are tough.

But hey that's no excuse! It's been almost one year since I started this thing and I really haven't been great at updating it. I would say that that will change now but it most likely won't. It's best to not make promises because then if you break them you don't look like an epic douche :). Non-committal nods and smiles all around. 

So we left off with a tomato and raspberry becoming friends in a friendly yet morbid tale of fruit shelf life and the childhood angst I felt over uneaten grains of rice. (Seriously though take all those uneaten grains of rice? You could feed the world! But I digress). Powerful stuff. 

I have many things to write about. Some weird. Most funny. Some sad and a little pathetic. A smorgasbord if you will.

Until then enjoy this two lined poem I wrote when I was 16. It's wonderful in its simplicity.


I blew a bubble in the sky
It disappeared I don't know why

À bientôt!

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